the church of other worldly sounds (cows)
subsidiary of the consortium on radical methods of production and distribution of music
cows is my bedroom studio. my inside room where i try to forget how terrible everything and everyone is and create a texture to get lost in. or a space to scream. cows is a place where things are always done with intention but never done seeking adulation. a refutation of the standard of beauty that has been defined and socialized at the hands of the powerful. cows is where i try to do what i believe in, in hopes that someone might appreciate a sound that they've never heard before.
having my website hosted by squarespace wasn't very radical. not to mention their site building tools were awful. not to mention, i wasted a lot of money with them. no bueno. so here is cows dot com v2.0, built and hosted by yours truly with a minimal overhead expense of $12/year for dns. fuck you, squarespace.
for the time-being, music can be found **here** -- faircamp hosted by one of the best humans you'll ever meet at negative void (ask to have your own music hosted!)..